The table below summarizes marine species monitoring projets being conducted in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico in support of Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements (50 CFR Part 218). Reports and data from these projects will be made available on the individual project profile pages and the Reading Room as they become available.
Project titles link directly to individual project profile pages with additional details and access to data and reports.
*Intermediate Scientific Objectives are established in coordination with NMFS through the Strategic Planning Process to help prioritize monitoring investments
Project Description | Intermediate Scientific Objective* | Status |
Title: Green and Kemp's Ridley Turtle Tagging for Availability Bias Estimates
Location: U.S. East Coast Objectives: Assess availability bias and habitat associations of endangered Kemp’s ridley and threatened green sea turtles to improve spatial density models Methods: Telemetry tagging, spatial modelling Performing Organizations: University of Central Florida, CheloniData LLC Timeline: 2024-2027 Funding: FY24 - $345k |
Establish the baseline habitat use, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur; Establish the baseline behavioral patterns (foraging, diving, etc.) of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur; Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas; Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities. |
New start - FY24 Tagging to begin summer 2024 |
Title: Time-lapse Camera Surveys of Pinnipeds in Southeastern Virginia
Location: Lower Chesapeake Bay and Eastern Shore of Virginia Objectives: Document seasonal occurrence, habitat use, and haul-out patterns of seals Methods: Visual surveys Performing Organizations: NAVFAC Atlantic, The Nature Conservancy Timeline: 2019-ongoing Funding: FY19 - $15k, FY20 - $18k, FY21 - $11k, FY22- $34k, FY23- $42k |
Estimate the density of marine mammals and sea turtles in Navy range complexes and in specific training areas Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals and sea turtles where Navy training and testing activities occur Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance of populations that are regularly exposed to sonar and underwater explosives |
Data collection ongoing |
Title: Atlantic Behavioral Response Study
Location: Cape Hatteras study area Objectives: Assess behavioral response of beaked and pilot whales to mid-frequency tactical sonar Methods: Controlled exposure experiments, DTAGs, satellite tags Performing Organizations: Southall Environmental Associates, Duke University, University of St. Andrews, Bridger Associates, Calvin College, HDR Inc. Timeline: 2017-ongoing Funding: FY16 - $35k, FY17 - $1.6M, FY18 - $1.4M, FY19 - 1.4M, FY20 - $1.3M, FY21 - $1.25M, FY22 - $1.29M, FY23 - $1.17M |
Evaluate behavioral responses of marine mammals exposed to Navy training and testing activities |
Ongoing Transition to continuously active sonar (CAS) in 2023 |
Title: Haul-Out Counts and Photo-Identification of Pinnipeds in Virginia
Location: Lower Chesapeake Bay and Eastern Shore of Virginia Objectives: Document seasonal occurrence, habitat use, and haul-out patterns of seals Methods: Visual surveys, photo ID Performing Organizations: NAVFAC Atlantic, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries,The Nature Conservancy, HDR Inc. Timeline: 2014-ongoing Funding: Funding: FY15 - $52K, FY16 - $36K, FY17 - $7K, FY18 - $29K, FY19 - $62K, FY20 - $60K, FY21 - $39K, FY22 - $93k, FY23 - $183K |
Estimate the density of marine mammals and sea turtles in Navy range complexes and in specific training areas Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals and sea turtles where Navy training and testing activities occur Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance of populations that are regularly exposed to sonar and underwater explosives |
Fieldwork ongoing |
Title: North Atlantic Right Whale Monitoring, Conservation, and Protection
Location: U.S. Mid-Atlantic Objectives: Assess occurrence, habitat use, and behavior of North Atlantic right whales in the mid-Atlantic region Methods: Visual surveys, morphometrics, tagging, passive acoustics Performing Organizations: HDR Inc., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Duke University Timeline: Ongoing Funding: $500k+ annually |
Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur Establish the baseline behavior (foraging, dive patterns, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur |
Ongoing |
Title: Behavioral Response Analysis of Two Populations of Short-Finned Pilot Whales to Mid-Frequency Active Sonar
Location: Atlantic and Pacific (Hawaii) Objectives: Utilize newly developed statistical methods from the Atlantic BRS project and apply them to all the satellite-tagged pilot whales from both the Atlantic and Pacific studies. Methods: Controlled exposure experiments, DTAGs, satellite tags, passive acoustic monitoring Performing Organizations: Naval Information Warfare Center, Sea Inc., National Marine Mammal Foundation, Naval Postgraduate School, Cascadia Research Collective, Duke University Timeline: 24 months Funding: FY25 - $150K |
Evaluate behavioral responses of marine mammals exposed to Navy training and testing activities |
Ongoing |
Title: Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS)
Location: Northwest Atlantic (Maine to Florida) Objectives: Assess the abundance, distribution, ecology, and behavior of marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds in U.S. Atlantic EEZ Methods: Visual surveys, passive acoustic monitoring, tagging Performing Organizations: NOAA Fisheries Northeast and Southeast Fishery Science Centers Timeline: 2010-2024 Funding: $250k annually |
Estimate the density of marine mammals and sea turtles in Navy range complexes and in specific training areas Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals and sea turtles where Navy training and testing activities occur Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance of populations that are regularly exposed to sonar and underwater explosives |
AMAPPS I (2010-2014), AMAPPS II (2015-2019), AMAPPS III (2020-2024) |
Title: Behavioral Response of Humpback Whales to Vessel Traffic
Location: Chesapeake Bay and Nearshore Mid-Atlantic Objectives: Understand the behavioral response of humpback whales to approaching vessels in the shipping channels at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Methods: Dtagging, satellite tagging, and focal follow observational methods Performing Organizations: Duke University, HDR Inc. Timeline: 2019-2024 Funding: FY19 - $95k, FY20 - $75k, FY21 - $80k, FY22 - $80k, FY23 - $60k |
Establish the baseline behavior (foraging, dive patterns, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur Evaluate behavioral responses of marine mammals exposed to Navy training and testing activities |
Field work complete |