LMR News: Summer 2018 Issue
Posted on September 24, 2018
The summer 2018 issue of LMR News, our quarterly newsletter, is now available online at http://navysustainability.dodlive.mil/environment/lmrnews/. It includes the latest information about what has been happening in the Navy’s Living Marine Resources (LMR) program. A few highlights from this issue include:
- Our Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for fiscal year 2019. The pre-proposal request is now available at http://navysustainability.dodlive.mil/lmrproposals. The submission period closes October 22, 2018.
- Project milestone achieved. One of our projects, Standardization of Evoked Potential Audiometry Methods to Ensure Comparable Marine Mammal Hearing Data Inclusion in a National Hearing Database, achieved a significant milestone and is summarized in the “Project Spotlight” section.
- Successful field efforts. Highlights from two of our field efforts completed in the last quarter are included in the “Program Participants Updates” section.